Special Needs Advisory Committee (SNAC)

At SNAC, you are surrounded by others who know and understand the perspective and challenges of being a parent of a child with special education needs.

Questions? Email us at snac@nfsb.qc.ca

Our next meeting is April 14, 2025

(moved from April 17)

6:30 pm

Meeting topics & details will be posted soon!

2024-2025 Meeting Schedule
Meetings normally start at 6:30 pm

November 14, 2024
@ Howick Elementary School

January 23, 2025

March 13, 2025

April 14, 2025
(moved from April 17, 2025)
@ NFSB Main Office

May 22, 2025
@ Howick Elementary School

What is SNAC?

Mandated by Quebec’s Education Act, each school board in Quebec must have a Special Needs Advisory Committee. The committee provides input on policies, guidelines and funding pertaining to students with special needs.

  1. Each meeting is an “information-session” open to all NFSB parents and guardians of children with special needs. Topics vary from month-to-month, and may include guest speakers and experts providing information and resources related to their fields.
  2. Each meeting is also an official meeting of the school board for elected members of the committee to discuss, provide feedback, and sometime even vote on agenda items related to services provided to students with different educational needs.

Who is on the committee?

SNAC members are elected each year at the September meeting. The committee is composed of:

  • Nine parents of students with special needs. Parent members are elected and form the majority of the Committee (we have at least one elementary school parent, one high school parent, one representing the Chateauguay area, and one representing the Chateauguay Valley)
  • NFSB’s Coordinator of Complementary Services
  • Representatives from NFSB’s administration, professionals, teachers, and support staff

By becoming member of SNAC, you will develop a better understanding of the funding and services that are provided for your child at school. You will also learn about available support networks and have an opportunity to voice questions and make suggestions to the school board on the organization of services. SNAC also plans and organizes guest speakers and information sessions for all families of children with special education needs.

Although only members of the committee can vote on agenda items, meetings are open to anyone interested in learning more about special education topics and resources provided to students with special needs.

Click here for more information about NFSB’s services for students with special education needs.
Handbook for Families of Children with Special Needs
Click here for other resources, workshops, etc.
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