School Taxes

Contact us!

The best way to get in touch with us is by email:

Office Hours

Monday to Thursday 
8:30 am to noon & 1:00 to 4:00 pm
8:30 am to noon



Consult your tax bill online

You can consult your tax bill online, but please note that the amount shown is only the current year’s and does not include arrears.

Note to notaries

Register online Service TFP internet New Frontiers Taxes Scolaires for school tax information.

Email your completed and signed form to We will send you the information required to access the database. There is a $25 fee per consultation.  Registration Form – Notary

How to pay your school tax bill

  • Through your bank or financial institution, in-person or online. Depending on your bank, you will find us registered as Commission scolaire New Frontiers or a variation of our name (i.e. New Frontiers). Please contact your financial institution if you are unable to find our name. Use the 20-digit reference number, which appears on your bill.  It begins with ‘000000000” and is unique per property.  Note that only school taxes can be paid with this reference number. It is not possible to pay daycare fees or school fees with this number.
  • Through your mortgage provider. If your mortgage provider pays your taxes, you will have to send the original account to your mortgage provider yourself. It is your responsibility to ensure that payment will be made within the required time.
  • By mail, by cheque with the invoice stub in the return envelope payable to: New Frontiers School Board.

The original bill mailed to you, or your proof of online payment, are considered a receipt for income tax purposes. Should you still require a receipt, we can email it to you. There is a $3 charge. Send your request to

Administrative Fees
  • Payments returned as “NSF” Non-Sufficient Funds” $20
  • Stop/Reversed payments $20
  • Returned post-dated cheques $20

Annual interest charge of 10% on any outstanding balances on the due date.

If we are required to initiate legal proceedings for collection, fees will be charged to the taxpayer. Education Act art. 326

Who pays school taxes to NFSB

  • Parents with children attending one of our schools are automatically registered to pay school taxes to the NFSB.
  • Taxpayers on our voting list are automatically registered to pay school taxes to the NFSB
  • If you do not have children attending our schools, you may pay your school taxes to the school board of your choice. The request must be received by April 1 and takes effect the following school year.
  • If you are an individual who has purchased a property from a contractor, you can choose to support either the English or the French school board for the next school year.
  • If you are a company, organization, association, or if you are an individual who has purchased property from a contractor, a “neutral” school tax bill is issued, and the resulting taxation revenue is shared on a percentage basis between the English and French school boards.

Important dates and information

  • The 2024-2025 school tax bills are mailed in July 2024.
  • If your bill is under $300, the total amount is due August 7, 2024.
  • If your bill is over $300, it can be paid in two equal installments; August 7 and November 6, 2024.
  • If the first payment is not made by August 8, the full account becomes due and is charged daily at a rate of 10% annually, until the account is paid.
  • We do not send reminders for unpaid balances after the first installment due date.
  • Arrears are added to the first installment.
  • You must ensure that your account is paid on time, in all circumstances.
  • Please note that even if you do not have access to your account (lost mail, postal strike, inaccessible mail delivery, etc.), this does not relieve you of the obligation to pay. The chosen method of payment must also allow you to meet these deadlines.
School Taxes - FAQs

Who pays school taxes in Quebec?

All owners of taxable property in the province of Québec must pay school taxes. The Education Act requires school boards to invoice and collect school taxes.

Who pays school taxes to the New Frontiers School Board?

  • Parents with children attending one of our schools are automatically registered to pay school taxes to the NFSB.
  • Taxpayers on our voting list are automatically registered to pay school taxes to the NFSB
  • If you do not have children attending our schools, you may pay your school taxes to the school board of your choice. The request must be received by April 1 and takes effect the following school year. (Click here for form)
  • If you are an individual who has purchased a property from a contractor, you can choose to support either the English or the French school board for the next school year. (Click here for form)
  • If you are a company, organization, association, or if you are an individual who has purchased property from a contractor, a “neutral” school tax bill is issued, and the resulting taxation revenue is shared on a percentage basis between the English and French school boards.

If the property has recently changed ownership or to change your mailing address

If you are a new owner of a property, you must pay the tax bill before the due date even if it is addressed to the previous owner. Please be sure to let us know of this change, you will not receive a new tax bill as it was already issued. However, this does not remove your obligation to pay your taxes by the deadlines set by the School Board.

If you have sold your property in recent months or if you are not the owner of the building for which this bill has been issued, please forward this bill to the new owner, or return your tax bill to us as soon as possible indicating “SOLD”

Change of mailing address: Please complete the Change of Mailing Address form and return it by mail, fax or e-mail.

How are school taxes calculated?

School taxes are calculated using a formula based on your municipal property valuation and make up approximately 15% of our annual operating budget. School tax bills correspond to the school year – July 1 to June 30 and are based on information we have on file in the month of May.

As modifications to your property occur, any changes in valuations are forwarded to the school board from the various municipalities that make up our territory. Property owners are notified, in writing, of the modification by their municipality.  The school board processes modifications and produces a revised tax bill with the adjustments arising from the changes in the property valuations.


In order to reduce the impact of the increase in property valuations on school taxes, school boards “average” increases over the same period as municipalities; 2, 3 or 4 years.

How is the averaging calculated?

The difference between the previous municipal valuation roll and the new roll is divided by three and added to the previous year’s valuation, whether it is an increase or a decrease.


2013 – 2015
Previous roll
2016 – 2018
New roll
Difference 2016/2017
Value for school taxes
Value for school taxes
2018/2019 Value for school taxes
$100,000 $130,000 $30,000 $110,000 $120,000 $130,000



Why is there no averaging on my account?

If there was a change in valuation after January 1st, the law provides that there is no averaging.

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