Recognition Statement by Vice-Chair R. Ledoux
We acknowledge that tonight’s meeting is being held on unceded land that is the traditional territory of the Kanien’keha:ka people. We must also recognize that, throughout our past history, there have been attempts to abolish the Indigenous culture. We have to be thankful to the elders who continued to teach and pass on their culture so that it would not be forgotten. We must also acknowledge our responsibility to ensure that the teaching of their culture continues in order to rectify past wrongs. We have to be thankful that we are able to work together with the Kanien’keha:ka nation so we can learn from them about our responsibility to be good caretakers of this land that we now share.
Passing of CVR Student
Chair J. Ryan acknowledged the passing of Gerry McAdam, a 16-year-old student from CVR.
Calendar Approvals
The calendars for the 2025-2026 school year were approved for the youth sector, the adult general education sector, and for the vocational education sector. These may be found on our websites.
Microsoft Licenses – Authorization to Renew for 2025-2026
On the recommendation of the Operations Standing Committee, it was moved by Commissioner P. Stuckey, and unanimously resolved that the Council of Commissioners authorize the renewal of Microsoft A5 licenses for the provision of critical operational and management software for the 2025-2026 school year, at an estimated cost of $200,000 plus applicable taxes; and that the Director General, or in his absence, the Assistant Director General, be delegated to sign and give effect to such contract.
Committee Reports
Reports were presented from the following committees: Educational Services, Human Resources, Operations, Parents’ Committee, Special Needs Advisory, Transportation Advisory, Chateauguay Liaison, and Howick/Très Saint-Sacrement Liaison.
Recognition Statement by Chair J. Ryan
As we gather here tonight to make decisions about the education of the community we serve, we acknowledge that we are doing so on the unceded lands of the Mohawk people. A people, among other Indigenous communities, who, centuries ago, shared their method of governance with our ancestors. By example, they remind us that a true community is one where every member is there to support others in a time of need. Where decisions are made after first considering the value of the natural world around us. Let us continue to draw on these lessons and share them with our community.
On the recommendation of the Human Resources Standing Committee, it was moved by Commissioner B. Ednie, and unanimously resolved, that Jessica Mackay be confirmed as a permanent administrator with the New Frontiers School Board as of February 5, 2025.
Washroom Renovation, Chateauguay Valley Regional High School
On the recommendation of the Operations Standing Committee, it was moved by Commissioner P. Stuckey, and unanimously resolved, that the Council of Commissioners authorizes the Director General or, in his absence, the Assistant Director General, to sign a contract with Les Constructions B Martel Inc for the project “Washroom Renovation” at Chateauguay Valley Regional High School, for an amount before taxes of $646,300.00.
Interior Renovation Phase 4, Ormstown Elementary School
On the recommendation of the Operations Standing Committee, it was moved by Commissioner P. Stuckey, and unanimously resolved, that the Council of Commissioners authorizes the Director General or, in his absence, the Assistant Director General, to sign a contract with Construction Jacques Théorêt Inc for the project “Interior Renovation, Phase 4” at Ormstown Elementary School, for an amount before taxes of $664,985.00.
Window & Door Replacement Phase 3, Howard S. Billings High School
On the recommendation of the Operations Standing Committee, it was moved by Commissioner P. Stuckey, and unanimously resolved, that the Council of Commissioners authorizes the Director General or, in his absence, the Assistant Director General, to sign a contract with Les Constructions B Martel Inc for the project “Window & Door Replacement, Phase 3” at Howard S. Billings High School, for an amount before taxes of $1,243,324.00.
Building Envelope Renovation Phase 2, Hemmingford Elementary
On the recommendation of the Operations Standing Committee, it was moved by Commissioner P. Stuckey, and unanimously resolved, that the Council of Commissioners authorizes the Director General or, in his absence, the Assistant Director General, to sign a contract with Les Constructions J Boulais Inc. for the project “Building Envelope Renovation Phase 2” at Hemmingford Elementary, for an amount before taxes of $1,327,494.00.
Whereas a letter dated December 13, 2024, from the Deputy Minister, Quebec Ministry of Education, Mme Carole Arav, was received by the New Frontiers School Board; and whereas the New Frontiers School Board was asked by the Ministry of Education to apply budgetary compressions for the school year 2024-2025, by March 31, 2025, of $510,552.34; and whereas the Ministry of Education has indicated that this will take the form of a reduced subsidy equal to this amount; and whereas the Ministry of Education has stated that we must maintain the same surplus from our initial budget; and whereas the New Frontiers School Board has identified several potential areas for budgetary compressions with a means to comply; and whereas the New Frontiers School Board had adopted an initial budget on September 3, 2024, where the revenues exceeded expenditures (surplus) by an amount of $76,018; and whereas the revised budgeted revenues of $93,655,481 exceed the revised budgeted expenses of $93,579,463 by exactly this amount of $76,018; and whereas this revised budget has been reviewed by the Audit Committee at their meeting of January 23, 2025;
Therefore, on the recommendation of the Operations Standing Committee, and with the support of the Audit Committee, it was moved by Commissioner P. Stuckey, and unanimously resolved, that the New Frontiers School Board’s 2024-2025 revised budget for operations, capital, and for debt service, providing for revenues of $93,655,481 and expenses of $93,579,463, be adopted.
On the recommendation of the Educational Services Standing Committee, it was moved by Commissioner C. Espinosa-Fuentes, and unanimously resolved, that the Director General be authorized to approve and sign the request for a permanent authorization to offer the Construction Business Management #5809 – Attestation of Vocational Studies (AVS) at the Nova Career Centre in Chateauguay, Québec, to be submitted to the Ministry of Education.
The Director of Educational Services, Ms Joanne Malowany, acknowledged that the land on which we are meeting today is the traditional, unceded territory of the Kanien’kehá:ka people. I deeply honor and respect their connection to this land, and recognize the rich history, resilience, and contributions of Indigenous peoples—past, present, and future. May we all continue to work together toward reconciliation, fostering respect, understanding and harmony.
Whereas the audit firm BCGO S.E.N.C.R.L. was appointed as the auditor for the New Frontiers School Board (NFSB) for the 2023-2024 fiscal school year, and was represented by Shuo Xue to inform the Council of Commissioners as to their opinion on the Board’s 2023-2024 Financial Report; and whereas on revenues of $91,466,882 and expenses of $89,862,288, the New Frontiers School Board recorded a surplus of $1,604,594 for the year ended June 30, 2024; and whereas under the accounting policy of the Ministry of Education, the excess of revenues over expenses is allocated to the accumulated deficit, if any; and whereas commissioners will be provided with extracts of the comparative financial statements including the School Board’s Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Statement of Accumulated Surplus; and whereas the schedules below summarize the results of operations and the effect upon the School Board’s accumulated deficit, therefore, on the recommendation of the Audit Committee, the deposit of the audited financial statements for the 2023-2024 school year was unanimously accepted.
When the calendar of meetings was approved for the 2024-2025 school year, it included the following exceptions to the regular schedule of meetings: no standing committee meetings in December; and no council meeting in January. The normal meeting routine will resume on January 21, 2025 with standing committee meetings. Commissioners were also informed that the schools, centres, and Board Office of the New Frontiers School Board, including the Taxation Department, will be closed for the holiday period from Monday, December 23, 2024 to Friday, January 3, 2025, inclusively, and that a public notice would be published accordingly.
In accordance with By-Law BCAA “Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct of Commissioners”, the Ethics Review Officer must provide Council with an annual report. Commissioners were provided with Mr. Ben Huot’s (Ethics Review Officer for the New Frontiers School Board) annual activity report in which there were no incidents or complaints.
On the recommendation of the Human Resources Standing Committee, it was moved by Commissioner B. Ednie, and unanimously resolved, that Sabrina Henderson be confirmed as a permanent administrator with the New Frontiers School Board as of January 1, 2025.
On the recommendation of the Human Resources Standing Committee, it was moved by Commissioner B. Ednie, and unanimously resolved, that Carla Shaw be confirmed as a permanent administrator with the New Frontiers School Board as of January 1, 2025.
Whereas, in order to recognize distinguished and exemplary service to the Council of Commissioners, it is proposed that the honorific appointment process and related criteria for Commissioners Emeriti be established by the Council of Commissioners of the New Frontiers School Board; and whereas the criteria for such appointments include the following: Based on the nature and scope of contributions made by a commissioner, on the recommendation of the Governance and Ethics Committee; After the completion of a commissioner’s term; In recognition of distinguished and exceptional service to the Council of Commissioners for a period of no less than 12 years; and be for an unlimited term to recognize, in perpetuity, exemplary service and dedication;
Therefore, on the recommendation of the Chair, and with the support of the Governance & Ethics Committee, it was moved by the Vice-Chair R. Ledoux, and unanimously approved, that the Council of Commissioners establish an honorific appointment process of Commissioners Emeriti, with the following criteria: Based on the nature and scope of contributions made by a commissioner, on the recommendation of the Governance and Ethics Committee; After the completion of a commissioner’s term; In recognition of distinguished and exceptional service to the Council of Commissioners for a period of no less than 12 years; and, For an unlimited term to recognize, in perpetuity, exemplary service and dedication.
Recognition Statement by Chair J. Ryan
As we gather here tonight to make decisions about the education of the community we serve, we acknowledge that we are doing so on the unceded lands of the Mohawk people. A people, among other Indigenous communities, who, centuries ago, shared their method of governance with our ancestors. By example, they remind us that a true community is one where every member is there to support others in a time of need. Where decisions are made after first considering the value of the natural world around us. Let us continue to draw on these lessons and share them with our community.
On the recommendation of the Human Resources Standing Committee, it was moved by Commissioner B. Ednie, and unanimously resolved, that Jessica Mackay be confirmed as a permanent administrator with the New Frontiers School Board as of February 5, 2025.
Washroom Renovation, Chateauguay Valley Regional High School
On the recommendation of the Operations Standing Committee, it was moved by Commissioner P. Stuckey, and unanimously resolved, that the Council of Commissioners authorizes the Director General or, in his absence, the Assistant Director General, to sign a contract with Les Constructions B Martel Inc for the project “Washroom Renovation” at Chateauguay Valley Regional High School, for an amount before taxes of $646,300.00.
Interior Renovation Phase 4, Ormstown Elementary School
On the recommendation of the Operations Standing Committee, it was moved by Commissioner P. Stuckey, and unanimously resolved, that the Council of Commissioners authorizes the Director General or, in his absence, the Assistant Director General, to sign a contract with Construction Jacques Théorêt Inc for the project “Interior Renovation, Phase 4” at Ormstown Elementary School, for an amount before taxes of $664,985.00.
Window & Door Replacement Phase 3, Howard S. Billings High School
On the recommendation of the Operations Standing Committee, it was moved by Commissioner P. Stuckey, and unanimously resolved, that the Council of Commissioners authorizes the Director General or, in his absence, the Assistant Director General, to sign a contract with Les Constructions B Martel Inc for the project “Window & Door Replacement, Phase 3” at Howard S. Billings High School, for an amount before taxes of $1,243,324.00.
Building Envelope Renovation Phase 2, Hemmingford Elementary
On the recommendation of the Operations Standing Committee, it was moved by Commissioner P. Stuckey, and unanimously resolved, that the Council of Commissioners authorizes the Director General or, in his absence, the Assistant Director General, to sign a contract with Les Constructions J Boulais Inc. for the project “Building Envelope Renovation Phase 2” at Hemmingford Elementary, for an amount before taxes of $1,327,494.00.
Whereas a letter dated December 13, 2024, from the Deputy Minister, Quebec Ministry of Education, Mme Carole Arav, was received by the New Frontiers School Board; and whereas the New Frontiers School Board was asked by the Ministry of Education to apply budgetary compressions for the school year 2024-2025, by March 31, 2025, of $510,552.34; and whereas the Ministry of Education has indicated that this will take the form of a reduced subsidy equal to this amount; and whereas the Ministry of Education has stated that we must maintain the same surplus from our initial budget; and whereas the New Frontiers School Board has identified several potential areas for budgetary compressions with a means to comply; and whereas the New Frontiers School Board had adopted an initial budget on September 3, 2024, where the revenues exceeded expenditures (surplus) by an amount of $76,018; and whereas the revised budgeted revenues of $93,655,481 exceed the revised budgeted expenses of $93,579,463 by exactly this amount of $76,018; and whereas this revised budget has been reviewed by the Audit Committee at their meeting of January 23, 2025;
Therefore, on the recommendation of the Operations Standing Committee, and with the support of the Audit Committee, it was moved by Commissioner P. Stuckey, and unanimously resolved, that the New Frontiers School Board’s 2024-2025 revised budget for operations, capital, and for debt service, providing for revenues of $93,655,481 and expenses of $93,579,463, be adopted.
On the recommendation of the Educational Services Standing Committee, it was moved by Commissioner C. Espinosa-Fuentes, and unanimously resolved, that the Director General be authorized to approve and sign the request for a permanent authorization to offer the Construction Business Management #5809 – Attestation of Vocational Studies (AVS) at the Nova Career Centre in Chateauguay, Québec, to be submitted to the Ministry of Education.
The Director of Educational Services, Ms Joanne Malowany, acknowledged that the land on which we are meeting today is the traditional, unceded territory of the Kanien’kehá:ka people. I deeply honor and respect their connection to this land, and recognize the rich history, resilience, and contributions of Indigenous peoples—past, present, and future. May we all continue to work together toward reconciliation, fostering respect, understanding and harmony.
Whereas the audit firm BCGO S.E.N.C.R.L. was appointed as the auditor for the New Frontiers School Board (NFSB) for the 2023-2024 fiscal school year, and was represented by Shuo Xue to inform the Council of Commissioners as to their opinion on the Board’s 2023-2024 Financial Report; and whereas on revenues of $91,466,882 and expenses of $89,862,288, the New Frontiers School Board recorded a surplus of $1,604,594 for the year ended June 30, 2024; and whereas under the accounting policy of the Ministry of Education, the excess of revenues over expenses is allocated to the accumulated deficit, if any; and whereas commissioners will be provided with extracts of the comparative financial statements including the School Board’s Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Statement of Accumulated Surplus; and whereas the schedules below summarize the results of operations and the effect upon the School Board’s accumulated deficit, therefore, on the recommendation of the Audit Committee, the deposit of the audited financial statements for the 2023-2024 school year was unanimously accepted.
When the calendar of meetings was approved for the 2024-2025 school year, it included the following exceptions to the regular schedule of meetings: no standing committee meetings in December; and no council meeting in January. The normal meeting routine will resume on January 21, 2025 with standing committee meetings. Commissioners were also informed that the schools, centres, and Board Office of the New Frontiers School Board, including the Taxation Department, will be closed for the holiday period from Monday, December 23, 2024 to Friday, January 3, 2025, inclusively, and that a public notice would be published accordingly.
In accordance with By-Law BCAA “Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct of Commissioners”, the Ethics Review Officer must provide Council with an annual report. Commissioners were provided with Mr. Ben Huot’s (Ethics Review Officer for the New Frontiers School Board) annual activity report in which there were no incidents or complaints.
On the recommendation of the Human Resources Standing Committee, it was moved by Commissioner B. Ednie, and unanimously resolved, that Sabrina Henderson be confirmed as a permanent administrator with the New Frontiers School Board as of January 1, 2025.
On the recommendation of the Human Resources Standing Committee, it was moved by Commissioner B. Ednie, and unanimously resolved, that Carla Shaw be confirmed as a permanent administrator with the New Frontiers School Board as of January 1, 2025.
Whereas, in order to recognize distinguished and exemplary service to the Council of Commissioners, it is proposed that the honorific appointment process and related criteria for Commissioners Emeriti be established by the Council of Commissioners of the New Frontiers School Board; and whereas the criteria for such appointments include the following: Based on the nature and scope of contributions made by a commissioner, on the recommendation of the Governance and Ethics Committee; After the completion of a commissioner’s term; In recognition of distinguished and exceptional service to the Council of Commissioners for a period of no less than 12 years; and be for an unlimited term to recognize, in perpetuity, exemplary service and dedication;
Therefore, on the recommendation of the Chair, and with the support of the Governance & Ethics Committee, it was moved by the Vice-Chair R. Ledoux, and unanimously approved, that the Council of Commissioners establish an honorific appointment process of Commissioners Emeriti, with the following criteria: Based on the nature and scope of contributions made by a commissioner, on the recommendation of the Governance and Ethics Committee; After the completion of a commissioner’s term; In recognition of distinguished and exceptional service to the Council of Commissioners for a period of no less than 12 years; and, For an unlimited term to recognize, in perpetuity, exemplary service and dedication.
Commissioner Connor Stacey acknowledged that the land on which we gather is the traditional and unceded territory of the Mohawk; a place which has long served as a site of meeting and exchange amongst Nations.
On the recommendation of the Operations Standing Committee, it was moved by Commissioner Dianne McKell Eastwood that the New Frontiers School Board’s 2024-2025 budget for operations, capital, and debt service costs, providing for revenues of $92,961,532 and expenses of $92,885,514, be adopted and transmitted to the Ministry of Education.
On a motion by the Vice-Chair, Mr Raymond Ledoux, it was unanimously resolved that the NFSB Governance & Ethics Committee for the 2024-25 school year include:
The Secretary General, Me Joyce Donohue, serves as a resource to the Committee, and the Director General, Mr Mike Helm, participate ex-officio.
On a motion by Commissioner Dianne McKell Eastwood, it was unanimously resolved that the NFSB Audit Committee for the 2024-25 school year include:
Two administrative representatives are named to this committee by the Director General. For the 2024-2025 school year, Derek Stacey will serve as the representative from the Adult Education sector, and Collin Thomas will represent the Youth Education sector. The Director of Finance, Terence Savoie, serves as the resource person to the Audit Committee.
On a motion by Commissioner Jennifer Largan, it was unanimously resolved that the New Frontiers School Board’s Council of Commissioners approve the renewal of the partnership agreement for international students, youth sector, with the Eastern Townships School Board, for a five-year period, starting September 4, 2024.
On Friday, August 30, 2024, right out of the new-school-year gates, Howard S. Billings High School hosted their annual community BBQ. If that wasn’t enough, they also threw in their football home opener, with a WIN (26 – 21) against LPP!
School Elections – November 3, 2024
Info can be found on our elections page or contact: Luisa Benvenuti, Returning Officer or Joyce Donohue, Elections Secretary | 450-691-1440
Chair makes special mention to the NFSB HR Recruiters
As we know, the Quebec Minister of Education has been making announcements regarding teacher vacancies.
We are thrilled to recognize that New Frontiers is staffed at 96% in terms of both full-time and part-time teachers. This is in large part to the tireless efforts of our HR Recruiters, Kim Porter & Laura Wright, with support by our Coordinator of HR, Carlene Sandy.
Congratulations & Thank-you!
Commissioner Connor Stacey acknowledged that the land on which we gather is the traditional and unceded territory of the Mohawk; a place which has long served as a site of meeting and exchange amongst Nations.
It was moved by Vice-Chair Raymond Ledoux and unanimously carried that the Council of Commissioners adopt the updated version of the New Frontiers School Board’s Commitment to Success Plan 2023-2027; and that the updated plan be submitted to the Ministry as required. Stay tuned for information about our Plan!
“Mise en oeuvre d’actions spécifiques en matière d’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes”
On the recommendation of the Educational Services Standing Committee, it was moved by Commissioner Karin Van Droffelaar and unanimously carried that the Director of Continuing Education submit a funding application to the Secrétariat à la condition féminine as part of the Call for Projects 2023-2024 – “Mise en oeuvre d’actions spécifiques en matière d’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes“, in support of the project entitled “Exploration Tool Cases/Coffres à outils d’exploration”. We will let you know if our project is accepted!
At the game of September 22, 2023, not only was LPP’s new synthetic field inaugurated, but they also played against HSB High School for the first time ever! Things may not have gone as planned for our Blazers, but community spirit abounded!
Taylor is a single mom and student in our Nova Career Centre’s Secretarial Studies program. She is eager to learn and shows graceful leadership in the classroom. She continuously motivates and supports her peers – encouraging them to do well and lending a helping hand when needed. Taylor has the ability to see the positive in everything and this is reflected in her work. With her motivation and energy, Taylor has changed the environment – when Taylor is laughing, everyone is laughing! Her peers look to her for guidance with their schoolwork and their personal lives. When Taylor first came to the program, she was not sure she would get through the day. Today she is a leader in the classroom! Congratulations, Taylor!
On September 11, 2023, commissioners and Board Office employees joined Dwayne Stacey, our Indigenous Advisor, for a historical walking tour of Kahnawake. After visiting the Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Interpretive Center, the tour continued through the Church and ended with a traditional lunch of corn soup, Indian tacos, and strawberry juice. Following lunch, a “Land Acknowledgements” presentation was made by Lisa Evans, CVR Teacher & NFSB Social Studies Consultant.
These guided tours are offered through the Kahnawake Tourism Centre.