Commitment to Success Plan

Our Commitment to Success Plan | 2023 to 2027

In partnership with Quebec’s Ministry of Education, and in line with their Policy on Educational Success, the New Frontiers School Board is focused on success for each student, in inclusive educational settings, supported by our communities, where our students learn to be civic-minded, creative, responsible, accepting of others, and engaged in the social, cultural and economic life of Quebec.

Our Commitment to Success Plan was approved by the Ministry of Education on October 23, 2023; it is our roadmap to 2027.

The Quebec Ministry of Education has provided school boards and school service centres with the following orientations:
1. Make student success a top priority for Quebec society;
2. Make vocational education truly attractive; and
3. Make schools and centres welcoming spaces.

Our Orientations – NFSB adopted three key orientations to focus on to bring about improvements to the Ministry’s objectives; these were validated by a public consultation.
1. Strengthen employee engagement;
2. Leverage the power of data; and
3. Foster relationships & partnerships, and develop global perspectives.

Our Objectives – Under each orientation, we have developed the following objectives:

CTSP Orientation #1 “Strengthen employee engagement”

  • Objective 1: 80% of our employees feel supported and satisfied in their jobs.

CTSP Orientation #2 “Leverage the power of data”

  • Objective 1: Raise the 7-year cohort graduation and qualification rate.
  • Objective 2: Raise the success rate amongst boys.

CTSP Orientation #3 “Foster relationships, partnerships, and develop global perspectives”

  • Objective 1: Increase our students’ sense of belonging to align with the provincial average in all grade levels.
  • Objective 2: 10% more students will say: “I have a great relationship with staff at my school.”
  • Objective 3: At least 80% of families with a student in our system will say: “My (child’s) school has made an effort to build a positive relationship with me and my family.”

Our Annual Reports  |  2023-2027

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